5 Cafe Interior Trends That Are Here to Stay

When we talk about cafe interior design, we can witness a new trend being introduced every now and then. Cafe owners have to keep pace with the changing trends and keep renovating their places almost every year. Of course, not everyone can afford renovation yearly. So, we have listed 5 trends that will stay for years and will never get obsolete:

Homely ambience

As a cafe owner, you will have mostly college students and office-goers as visitors rather than families. If you analyze the taste and likes of today’s generation, you will realize that they prefer places which are homely and friendly than those which are formal and sophisticated. They want to spend quality time with their friends talking about their personal life and office problems. Of course, they look for space where they can spend hours without worrying about being formal. Try creating a place which is homely. Put familiar elements, like thoughts related to their day-to-day life, cushions, posters of famous cartoon characters and actors.

Informal sitting arrangements
Another trend that interior design firms in Gurgaon are following these days is opting for comfortable chair and tables rather than those formal dining tables. You can see how cafes are buying rusted furniture or using buckets and tires to make seats for visitors. In fact, some places have completely eliminated chairs and have opted for mattresses and cushions to make the place more friendly and comfortable.

Games and books 

People are looking for places where they can sit with their friends and have fun. They want to get away from all the stress and prefer spaces which are relaxing and lively. You can create such a cafe by including game areas. Of course, you don’t have to build a whole new room for it but place common games, such as ludo, scribble, bingo on shelves. Another trend that we love these days is books that you can pick and read while having a cup of joe. You don’t need a companion for a company but your book and coffee are enough.

Cosy lighting
While working on cafe interior design, lighting is a crucial part that needs special attention. Making the place too bright and putting on too many white lights may take away that cosy and comfortable touch. So, you need to make sure that your place is properly lit with the right amount of lights placed in the right place. Never keep lights right in front where a person will sit or just above the table. There is no sense of privacy or comfort. Buy lamps and lanterns which you can hang on the walls and give your cafe an innovative touch.

Minimal concept
Gone are the days when guests are intrigued by complicated interiors and too many elements. Now, they hardly have any interest in looking around your place and making a sense of all the articles that you have out around. They now want minimal designs with familiar things placed around so that they feel more like home. That is why interior design firms in Gurgaon are coming up with minimal concept ideas with spacious spaces and not much going around.

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